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HCV Compound 1

HCV Compound-1 is a dietary supplement that is a part of “HCV Compounds Therapy” for the herbal management of HCV and is a Potent Hepatoprotective Dietary Supplement.
As a dietary supplement, take one capsule thrice a day after meals with water, or as directed by your healthcare consultant.
The Spices in HCV Compound-1 has been generally utilized in Ayurvedic meds for a long time, predominantly for treatment of Liver Problems and has viewed as profoundly successful in treatment of Hepatitis-C by present day logical exploration. The spices are a rejuvenative tonic for the liver and decrease aggravation in the tissues. The spices of this item have hepato poisonous properties – for example it helps in killing the poisons from the liver. On account of hepato-defensive properties of spices, it is helpful in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and infective hepatitis. The multi-spice blend assists with battling HCV Infection at a wide range level and prompts resistance in the body and liver. It thus shields the liver from the assaults of the miniature creatures. The defensive impact of spices appear to reach out to every tried poison or stressors that are known to modify liver capability, and appear to likewise stretch out to conditions of natural liver brokenness (viral hepatitis and NAFLD from a high fat eating routine). The spices of HCV Compound – 1 have a powerful hepatoprotective activity by safeguarding the liver against oxidative pressure prompted by the free extremists in the body. The spices of HCV Compound – 1 likewise protects the liver from the potential harm caused because of assault of the miniature creatures. The spices likewise have regular allergy meds and against sensitivity potential. The spice of HCV Compound-1 has checked activity on the liver, advancing the progression of bile in the gallbladder. The spices additionally have cancer prevention agent, mitigating and advantageous in aggravation of liver and hepatic tissues. The spices of HCV Compound – 1 are a powerful hepatoprotective specialist which assists with reestablishing the ideal liver capability by controlling the liver proteins and other metabolic functions.*
*These explanations and Cases have not been assessed by the FSSAI (India). This item isn’t expected to analyze, treat, fix or forestall any illness.


Store this item in a cool and dry spot. Keep far away from kids. Try not to utilize this item in the event that the internal seal under the bottle is broken or missing . Assuming you are pregnant or nursing, counsel your medical care proficient before use.

HCV Compound 2

HCV Compound-2 is a dietary supplement that is a part of “HCV Compounds Therapy” for the herbal management of HCV and is a Potent Hepatoprotective Dietary Supplement.
As a dietary supplement, take one capsule thrice a day after meals with water, or as directed by your healthcare consultant.
The Spices of HCV Compound – 2 have been used in India, starting around 3000 BC. The Spices of HCV Compound – 2 have a long custom of purpose in the Chinese and Ayurvedic frameworks of medication as a mitigating, reviving and hepatoprotective specialists and for the treatment of jaundice. The cutting edge science has tracked down the spices of HCV Compound – 2 to be a powerful hepatoprotective specialist which assists with reestablishing the ideal liver capability by directing the liver proteins and other metabolic functions. The Spices of HCV Compound – 2 assists the liver in getting rid of the unsafe poisons and substances and fortifies the liver. They subsequently help to purge and clean the blood with the goal that no pollutants arrive at the body cells. The Spices of HCV Compound – 2 likewise are antiperoxidative in nature that has a direct free revolutionary rummaging action on the liver harming synthetics. It helps in bringing down the raised liver chemicals, during the aggravation of liver tissues. It helps in lessening the cholesterol, fatty oils and free-unsaturated fats in the blood. The natural elements of HCV Compound – 2 additionally help to expand the action of Cytochrome P450. They can contend with the free extremists in the cell parts and shield the liver from injury. It helps in detoxification and balances out the liver catalysts. The spices of HCV Compound – 2 decrease LDL and cholesterol level in blood and through its gainful activity on the liver, it increases bile stream and brings down cholesterol levels. The Spices of HCV Compound – 2 upgrade invulnerability by supporting degrees of interferon, a key resistant framework synthetic that fends off viruses.*
*These articles and Cases have not been assessed by the FSSAI (India). This item isn’t expected to analyze, treat, fix or forestall any sickness.
Store this item in a cool and dry spot. Keep far away from youngsters. Try not to utilize this item assuming that the inward seal under the bottle is broken or missing . On the off chance that you are pregnant or nursing, counsel your medical care proficient before use.

HCV Compound 3

HCV Compound-3 is a dietary supplement that is a part of “HCV Compounds Therapy” for the herbal management of HCV and is a Potent Hepatoprotective Dietary Supplement.
As a dietary supplement, take one capsule thrice a day after meals with water, or as directed by your healthcare consultant.
The Spices of HCV Compound-3 have hepatoprotective, immunomodulator and antipyretic properties. The Spices of HCV Compound-3 backings a sound liver capability and assists with reinforcing host safeguards during instances of contamination, jaundice and hepatitis. The Spices of HCV Compound-3 assists with advancing liver wellbeing by reestablishing the ideal liver capabilities and assists in the liver detoxification with handling. The Spices of HCV Compound-3 accompanies a considerable rundown of extraordinary recuperating benefits for liver and related illnesses and helps the liver in killing acids into nonpartisan salts that diminishes development and helps eliminate old development. This is critical as development can be viewed as the ideal breathing ground for infections. The Spices of HCV Compound-3 contains long sugar particles that go about as rejuvenators reestablishing cells. As old development is taken out cells that have been torpid are being revived. It is additionally useful in the administration of liquor actuated hepatic brokenness and animate bile discharge. The spices of HCV Compound – 3 have mitigating movement and lessens irritation of liver and hepatocytes in the event of hepatitis and have been found to safeguard the liver from harm when prompted with poisonous specialists and they assist with diminishing the viral include in the blood.*
*These proclamations and Cases have not been assessed by the FSSAI (India). This item isn’t expected to analyze, treat, fix or forestall any sickness.
Store this item in a cool and dry spot. Keep far away from kids. Try not to utilize this item in the event that the internal seal under the bottle is broken or missing . Assuming you are pregnant or nursing, counsel your medical care proficient before use.